Healthcare ReformsTransforming the healthcare system – Modernising the health...Modernising the health infrastructure seems like an impossible mission. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsTransforming the healthcare system – Rebuilding the healthcare workforce...We need to develop and build a fair, equitable and just culture. Continue Reading...
AnnouncementsMaternity Leave: An Opportunity for Meaningful Reform In the Civil ServiceIt is not always about the pay. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsAct 342 Amendments: Risk of Double Standards, Victimisation, & Poor...We saw much of this occurring during the COVID-19 crisis. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsEarmarked Vape Tax Revenue Needed To Reverse Effects of Nicotine DeregulationPromised taxes have not been earmarked for health related initiatives. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsReforms to the IHR: Malaysia Should Establish A Health Security AgencyThis agency is a necessary investment. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsNHMS 2023 Findings Should Be A Rude Wake-up Call For MalaysiansMalaysians are currently living amidst a NCD crisis. Continue Reading...
Non-Communicable DiseasesSugar Should No Longer Be A Controlled Item Under PCAP Act 2011Malaysia currently has one of the lowest sugar prices in the world. This is not something to be proud of. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsNicotine Vape Delisting: A Health Minister’s LegacyConcerns and warnings were noted, but not heeded. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsProposed Amendments of Citizenship Provisions Will Worsen Health inequitiesThis policy could dramatically increase health security risk and vulnerabilities. Continue Reading...