Healthcare ReformsTransforming the healthcare system – Modernising the health...Modernising the health infrastructure seems like an impossible mission. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsTransforming the healthcare system – Rebuilding the healthcare workforce...We need to develop and build a fair, equitable and just culture. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsTransforming the healthcare system – Reforming healthcare financing (PtA national health and social insurance would be a game-changer. Continue Reading...
AnnouncementsMaternity Leave: An Opportunity for Meaningful Reform In the Civil ServiceIt is not always about the pay. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsAct 342 Amendments: Risk of Double Standards, Victimisation, & Poor...We saw much of this occurring during the COVID-19 crisis. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsEarmarked Vape Tax Revenue Needed To Reverse Effects of Nicotine DeregulationPromised taxes have not been earmarked for health related initiatives. Continue Reading...
AnnouncementsCo-Payments Will Cause Jump in OPP & Fail To Address Healthcare InflationWill this really address healthcare inflation? Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsReforms to the IHR: Malaysia Should Establish A Health Security AgencyThis agency is a necessary investment. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsWNTD 2024: Nicotine Vape & E-Cigarettes Join Cigarettes As Public Health...Five measures are recommended. Continue Reading...
Healthcare ReformsNHMS 2023 Findings Should Be A Rude Wake-up Call For MalaysiansMalaysians are currently living amidst a NCD crisis. Continue Reading...